So it's the night before thanksgiving, and I am not going to lie I'm a little bit sad. Although I've had a few thanksgivings when my family was incomplete, it's definitely a different feeling to be the one away. I know a little how Alex feels. The good part is that there aren't any reminders of thanksgiving here since obviously they do not celebrate it. for Christmas, those reminders are popping up everywhere. When I got home from training yesterday my host family had set up their small Christmas tree and navity scene and strung lights in the house. Apparently Christmas trees are a new concept in Peru, they have picked this idea up from watching a lot of movies and seeing what we do in the U.S. Normally they only have large nativity scenes decorating their house. They also celebrate christmas on christmas eve with large parties, and at midnight they have a gigantic dinner. So that will be interesting at my new site. Also, they don't do gifts, which I am happy about because I think that tradition has gotten out of control in the U.S. The only people who recieve gifts are children and it's usually sweets.
So this is the big's WEEK 10 my last week of training. It's very bitter sweet. I passed my spanish exam and am up to par on the level I need to be at to be able to advance to my site. To celebrate our spanish teachers set up a party with snacks and was SO much fun!!! We have also had many little exams. Today we had "situational" training, where we went to 7 stations and practiced practical situations we will encounter at site, we had to pass the stations or repeat. My biggest problem was safe transportation, I failed that station twice before passing. The first time I was in a combi and didn't secure my things enough and one of the security guys came by and snatched me jacket and ran away. The second time, I was in a taxi and I did like they told us, I called a friend before and read the liscense plate numbers and told her I'd be there in 20 minutes, and then I got in the taxi and it was a station wagon, well within a few minutes a guy wrapped his arm around my neck from behind me. I screamed and jumped out of the taxi, all of the trainers were standing around laughing, that should have been my first cue when I saw them there, but stupid me didn't think!!! So again I failed for not checking the trunk of the taxi. It was hilarious!! And on the last time I guess I did everything right and passed.
Tonight my host family took me for my "despidida" which was a mini going away party. We went to the bakery and had cake and inca kola. It was fun. When I said that this swearing in stuff was bitter sweet, leaving my host family is definitely the bitter part. I have really grown to love them and wish I could live with them for my entire 2 years. My host mom is amazing and has taught me so much and they have been the most welcoming and wonderful people I have ever met. I started my first week here in tears and scared to death. Now I end each day with them and look forward to our talks and joking around. They are just wonderful people and I think this experience was made much easier being here with them.
So tomorrow for Thanksgiving we are having our thank you party for our host families, some of the volunteers are preforming various activities and we'll have snacks and stuff for the families. I helped paint some of the ornaments we are giving away as our thank you gift. Then on Friday I swear in, which is a big event! I will officially become a volunteer and I can start the countdown for the next two years of my service. Saturday I move to my new site, well really I'll get there Tuesday or so, we've got a few days of stuff to do in the capital city before we settle in to our new sites. I am nervous and excited. I can't wait to get my life set up there.
For Thanksgiving, even though I cannot celebrate with my family, they are absolutely in my heart. I think this year more then ever I have so much to be thankful for. I am most thankful for my family above all, for their support through my many challenges and just standing behind my while I take this adventure. I could not and would not being doing this if they weren't amazing. Secondly I am thankful for all of the priveleges I've been given in life from my family or simply because I'm an American. Having this opportunity to see how another part of the world lives makes me so thankful for the way I was raised and the opportunites I've had in life. And thank you to all of my friends for the great emails and letters, you've made me laugh many times and lifted my spirits when I needed it. I know that I will never have as great of friendships no matter where I am in the world like I do with all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I love you and miss you and hope that you have a wonderful day! I'll be thinking of you. And family please eat some hand and pretzel jello salad for me!
1 comment:
Happy Thanksgiving Jillian, we miss you!
Love, Aunt Laura
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